Our staff is well trained and knowledgeable in all things related to hair & skin, and eager to hear from you. We value your questions, comments, suggestions, and queries.
Also check out the QUESTIONS/Q&A section on each product page. The answer might be there already, or you can submit a product question there. Just navigate to the related product page, click REVIEWS, then click QUESTIONS.
You can also email us:

Please note that to support our customers as quickly, efficiently, and accurately as possible, we prioritize email and chat communication over phone calls. For phone, we often operate on a call-back basis, so please be sure to leave a voicemail if prompted. We do not provide international (non-U.S.) outbound phone support.
Voice: Toll-free U.S. (844)-REVIVSERUMS [844-738-4873] or (415) 763-7248
For your security and ours, we do not take retail phone orders. Online ordering is safer for you, and for us. Verification of your IP address; Secure Socket Layer connection; and other vital data for our credit card processor helps to prevent fraud. Statistically, using a secure online connection to enter credit card information is much safer than conveying it over the phone, since via phone the number could be written down and reused. With a secure online connection (I.E., you see a "lock" icon in the address bar of your browser), the data is encrypted both directions, and even we cannot see the entire number in the transaction record. / Astonishing Developments Ltd.
2030 Union St. Suite 206
San Francisco CA 94123 USA